Investors in Lincoln began life in 1991 as a private/public sector joint venture, operating in the Lincoln area. Our 14 (current) shareholders come primarily from the Private Sector (70 percent). The rest represent the Public Sector (15 percent) and Third Sector (15 percent).
The Mission recognises that although Investors in Lincoln raises funds via property management we make a broader contribution to developing the local area, both by our direct activities and through the contribution of the company and/or individual members to the activities of others. Activities range from keeping a ‘watching brief’ on specific projects through to the acquisition and/or development of land and buildings. The company does not distribute profits to members who freely invest their money, time, effort and expertise.
Investors in Lincoln exists solely for the improvement of Greater Lincoln. It receives no public funding.
In the early days, major activities had to be self-funding; funded via additional share capital or funded by grants. Investors In Lincoln frequently acted as a 'private sector badge' for funding applications, working very closely with the City Council.
The acquisition of Beech House in 2001 from the Training & Enterprise Council made a step change in Investor’s finances. The income generated allowed the development of the Wagamama restaurant on the Brayford, in partnership with the Brayford Trust.